Layered Santan Jelly

Nonya Kueh & Cake Recipes - Layered Santan Jelly Ingredient A:
1. ½ tablespoon agar powder 60 g. castor sugar
2. 250 ml. water
3. ½ teaspoon pandan essence red, yellow and green colouring
Nonya Kueh & Cake Recipes - Layered Santan Jelly Ingredient B:
1. ½ tablespoon agar powder
2. 70 g. castor sugar
3. 200 ml. water
4. 50 ml. coconut milk
5. ½ teaspoon pandan essence red, yellow and green colouring
Nonya Kueh & Cake Recipes - Layered Santan Jelly Method Step By Step:
1. To prepare A:
a. Boil agar powder, water, sugar and pandan essence.
b. Keep it hot on very low heat.
2. To prepare B:
a. Boil agar powder, water, sugar, coconut milk and pandan essence.
b. Keep it hot on very low heat.
3. Wet a mould. Take 50 ml. of hot agar A and add a drop of red colouring. Stir and slowly pour into the mould.
4. When half-set, take 50 ml. of hot agar B and colour it red. Pour on top of the hardened agar.
5. Repeat process 3 and 4 with other colours and leave to set.
Labels: Cake Recipes, Layered Santan Jelly, Nonya Kueh, Nonya Recipes